Welcome to the website of Covenant Bible-Presbyterian Church. We're glad you're here.
At Covenant B-P Church we worship God in œspirit and in truth. We preach Christ for His Glory and His Kingdom, we sing the great hymns of the faith, and we have good fellowship together.
Whether you live in Perth, some other part of Australia, or somewhere else in God's world, we pray that visiting our website will be a blessing to you. If you live in Perth and do not have a church home, we invite you to make Covenant B-P Church your home church. If you plan to visit Perth, please come and worship the Lord with us.
Whether you are searching for meaning in life, a new Christian desiring the sincere milk of the Word of God, or a committed believer continuing your walk with the Lord, you can find a home at Covenant Bible-Presbyterian Church.
Once again, welcome to our website and may God bless you.
Yours in Christ,
Pastor Mark Chen